Source code for mstm_studio.nearfield

from mstm_studio.mstm_spectrum import SPR, Material, SpheresOverlapError
import subprocess
import os   # to delete files after calc.
import sys  # to check whether running on Linux or Windows
import tempfile
import datetime
import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:

[docs]class NearField(SPR): ''' Calculate field distribution map at fixed wavelength ''' def __init__(self, wavelength): super().__init__([wavelength]) self.set_incident_field(fixed=True, azimuth_angle=0.0, polar_angle=0.0, polarization_angle=0.0) self.set_plane() self.paramDict['calculate_near_field'] = 1 # do it
[docs] def set_plane(self, plane='zx', hmin=-10., hmax=10., vmin=-10., vmax=10., step=1., offset=0.): ''' Determine the plane and grid for near field computation. plane: one of 'yz'|'zx'|'xy' hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax: horizontal and vertical sizes step: size of the grid grain offset: shift of the plane ''' if plane == 'zy': plane = 'yz' if plane == 'xz': plane = 'zx' if plane == 'yx': plane = 'xy' # 1: y - z plane; 2: z - x plane; 3: x - y if plane == 'yz': self.paramDict['near_field_plane_coord'] = 1 elif plane == 'zx': self.paramDict['near_field_plane_coord'] = 2 elif plane == 'xy': self.paramDict['near_field_plane_coord'] = 3 else: raise Exception('Wrong plane specification! \n %s' % plane) # TODO: extend to calculate complex E vector = 1, # complex E and H vectors = 2 self.paramDict['near_field_output_data'] = 0 # |E|^2 self.paramDict['near_field_output_file'] = 'nf-temp.dat' self.hmin = hmin self.hmax = hmax self.vmin = vmin self.vmax = vmax self.step = step self.offset = offset self.nh = int(np.round((hmax - hmin) / step)) + 1 self.nv = int(np.round((vmax - vmin) / step)) + 1 print('Field computation grid: %ix%i' % (self.nh, self.nv))
[docs] def simulate(self): ''' Run MSTM code to produce 2D map of field distribution. ''' if self.paramDict['number_spheres'] == 0: # np spheres return self.wavelengths, np.zeros_like(self.wavelengths) if self.spheres.check_overlap(): raise SpheresOverlapError('Spheres overlapping!') if isinstance(self.environment_material, Material): material = self.environment_material else: print(self.environment_material) material = Material(self.environment_material) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: # COPIED FROM PARENT! print('Using temporary directory: %s' % tmpdir) outFID = open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'scriptParams.inp'), 'w') outFID.write('begin_comment\n') outFID.write('**********************************\n') outFID.write(' MSTM input for NearField calculation\n') outFID.write(' Generated by python script\n') outFID.write(' %s\n' %'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')) outFID.write('**********************************\n') outFID.write('end_comment\n') for key in self.paramDict.keys(): if key not in self.local_keys: outFID.write(key + '\n') if isinstance(self.paramDict[key], str): svalue = self.paramDict[key] else: if isinstance(self.paramDict[key], list): svalue = ' '.join(map(str, self.paramDict[key])) else: svalue = str(self.paramDict[key]) # replace exponent symbol svalue = svalue.replace('e', 'd', 1) outFID.write('%s \n' % svalue) lam = self.wavelengths[0] k = 2.0 * 3.14159 / lam outFID.write('begin_comment\n') outFID.write('**********************************\n') outFID.write(' Wavelength %.3f \n' % lam) outFID.write('**********************************\n') outFID.write('end_comment\n') outFID.write('output_file\n') outFID.write('mstm_l%.0f.out\n' % (lam * 1000)) outFID.write('length_scale_factor\n') outFID.write(' %.6f\n' % k) outFID.write('medium_real_ref_index\n') outFID.write(' %f\n' % material.get_n(lam)) outFID.write('medium_imag_ref_index\n') outFID.write(' %f\n' % material.get_k(lam)) outFID.write('spacial_step_size\n') outFID.write(' %f\n' % (k * self.step)) outFID.write('near_field_plane_position\n') outFID.write(' %f\n' % (k * self.offset)) outFID.write('near_field_plane_vertices\n') outFID.write(' %f %f %f %f\n' % (k * self.hmin, k * self.vmin, k * self.hmax, k * self.vmax)) outFID.write('sphere_sizes_and_positions\n') for i in range(len(self.spheres)): a = self.spheres.a[i] if a > 0: # consider only positive radii x = self.spheres.x[i] y = self.spheres.y[i] z = self.spheres.z[i] n = self.spheres.materials[i].get_n(lam) k = self.spheres.materials[i].get_k(lam) outFID.write(' %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.3f %.3f \n' % (a, x, y, z, n, k)) outFID.write('end_of_options\n') outFID.close() # run the binary if sys.platform == 'win32': si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW'%s scriptParams.inp > NUL' % self.command, shell=True, startupinfo=si, cwd=tmpdir) else:'%s scriptParams.inp > /dev/null' % self.command, shell=True, cwd=tmpdir) # parse the simulation results fn = os.path.join(tmpdir, self.paramDict['near_field_output_file']) with open(fn) as fout: fout.readline() # skip 1st nsph = int(fout.readline().strip()) # no. of spheres in plane data = np.loadtxt(fn, skiprows=2 + nsph) self.field = np.reshape(data[:, 2], [self.nh, self.nv]) return self.field
def _get_grid_hv(self): h = np.arange(self.hmin, self.hmax + self.step / 2., self.step) v = np.arange(self.vmin, self.vmax + self.step / 2., self.step) return h, v
[docs] def write(self, filename): ''' save field data to text file''' h, v = self._get_grid_hv() with open(filename, 'w') as fout: if self.paramDict['near_field_plane_coord'] == 1: fout.write('# Y[nm]\tZ[nm]\t|E|^2\r\n') elif self.paramDict['near_field_plane_coord'] == 2: fout.write('# Z[nm]\tX[nm]\t|E|^2\r\n') elif self.paramDict['near_field_plane_coord'] == 3: fout.write('# X[nm]\tY[nm]\t|E|^2\r\n') for i, x in enumerate(h): for j, y in enumerate(v): fout.write('%.4f\t%.4f\t%.8f\r\n' % (x, y, self.field[i, j]))
[docs] def plot(self, fig=None, axs=None, caxs=None): ''' Show 2D field distribution Parameters: fig: matplotlib figure axs: matplotlib axes caxs: matplotlib axes for colorbar Returns: filled/created fig and axs objects ''' x, y = self._get_grid_hv() xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) xx = np.transpose(xx) yy = np.transpose(yy) zz = self.field flag = fig is None if flag: fig = plt.figure() axs = fig.add_subplot(111) im = axs.pcolormesh(xx, yy, zz, cmap='hot', shading='auto') if caxs is None: caxs = fig.add_axes([0.9, 0.1, 0.05, 0.8]) # left, bottom, width, height else: caxs.clear() fig.colorbar(im, cax=caxs, orientation='vertical') if self.paramDict['near_field_plane_coord'] == 1: axs.set_xlabel('Y, nm') axs.set_ylabel('Z, nm') elif self.paramDict['near_field_plane_coord'] == 2: axs.set_xlabel('Z, nm') axs.set_ylabel('X, nm') elif self.paramDict['near_field_plane_coord'] == 3: axs.set_xlabel('X, nm') axs.set_ylabel('Y, nm') axs.set_aspect('equal') if flag: return fig, axs
if __name__ == '__main__': from mstm_studio.mstm_spectrum import Material, ExplicitSpheres mat1 = Material(os.path.join('nk', 'etaSilver.txt')) nf = NearField(wavelength=340) nf.environment_material = 'glass' nf.set_plane(plane='xz', hmin=-10, hmax=20, vmin=-15, vmax=15, step=0.25) spheres = ExplicitSpheres(2, [0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 11, 3], mat_filename=2*[mat1]) nf.set_spheres(spheres) nf.simulate() nf.plot() nf.write('nearfield.dat') print('See you!')