Source code for mstm_studio.mstm_spectrum

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ----------------------------------------------------- #
#                                                       #
#  This code is a part of T-matrix fitting project      #
#  Contributors:                                        #
#   L. Avakyan <>                     #
#   K. Yablunovskiy <>       #
#                                                       #
# ----------------------------------------------------- #
Based on heaviliy rewritten MSTM-GUI code
by Dr. David Mayerich

Optimized for spectral calculations (for many wavelengths)
in order to use for fitting to experiment
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import lognormal
from scipy import interpolate
import subprocess
import os   # to delete files after calc.
import sys  # to check whether running on Linux or Windows
import datetime
import time
import tempfile  # to run mstm in temporary directory
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
# use input in both python2 and python3
    input = raw_input
except NameError:
# use xrange in both python2 and python3
except NameError:
    xrange = range

class Profiler(object):
    This class for benchmarking is from
    >>> with Profiler() as p:
    >>>     // your code to be profiled here
    def __enter__(self):
        self._startTime = time.time()

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        print('Elapsed time: {:.3f} sec'.format(time.time() - self._startTime))

class SpheresOverlapError(Exception):

[docs]class SPR(object): ''' Class for calculation of surface plasmin resonance (SPR), running MSTM external code. The MSTM executable should be set in MSTM_BIN environment variable. Default is ~/bin/mstm.x ''' environment_material = 'Air' paramDict = { 'number_spheres': 0, 'sphere_position_file': '', # radius, X,Y,Z [nm], n ,k 'length_scale_factor': 1.0, # 2π/λ[nm] 'real_ref_index_scale_factor': 1.0, # multiplier for spheres 'imag_ref_index_scale_factor': 1.0, 'real_chiral_factor': 0.0, # chiral passive spheres 'imag_chiral_factor': 0.0, 'medium_real_ref_index': 1.0, # refraction index of the environment 'medium_imag_ref_index': 0.0, 'medium_real_chiral_factor': 0.0, 'medium_imag_chiral_factor': 0.0, 'target_euler_angles_deg': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], # ignored for random orient. calc. 'mie_epsilon': 1.0E-12, # Convergence criterion for determining the number of orders # in the Mie expansions. Negative value - number of orders. 'translation_epsilon': 1.0E-8, # Convergence criterion for estimating the maximum order of the cluster T matrix 'solution_epsilon': 1.0E-8, # Precision of linear equation system solution 't_matrix_convergence_epsilon': 1.0E-6, 'plane_wave_epsilon': 1E-3, # Precision of expansion of incedent field (both for palne and gaussian waves) 'iterations_per_correction': 20, # ignored for big 'near_field_translation_distance' 'max_number_iterations': 2000, # with account of all iterations 'near_field_translation_distance': 1.0E6, # can be big real, small real or negative. TWEAK FOR PERFORMANCE 'store_translation_matrix': 0, 'fixed_or_random_orientation': 1, # 0 - fixed, 1 - random 'gaussian_beam_constant': 0, # CB = 1/(k ω0). CB = 0 - plane wave 'gaussian_beam_focal_point': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], # does not alters results for plane wave and random orientations 'run_print_file': '', # if balnk will use stdout 'write_sphere_data': 0, # 1 - detail, 0 - concise 'output_file': 'test.dat', # should change for each run 'incident_or_target_frame': 0, # used for scattering matrix output 'min_scattering_angle_deg': 0.0, 'max_scattering_angle_deg': 180.0, 'min_scattering_plane_angle_deg': 0.0, # selects a plane for fixed orient. 'max_scattering_plane_angle_deg': 0.0, # selects a plane for fixed orient. 'delta_scattering_angle_deg': 1.0, 'calculate_near_field': 0, # no near field calculations 'calculate_t_matrix': 1, # 1 - new calc., 0 - use old, 2 - continue calc 't_matrix_file': 'tmatrix-temp.dat', 'sm_number_processors': 10, # actual number of procesors is # minimum to this value and provided by mpi } local_keys = ['output_file', 'length_scale_factor', 'medium_real_ref_index', 'medium_imag_ref_index', 't_matrix_file'] def __init__(self, wavelengths): ''' Parameter: wavelengths: numpy array Wavelegths in nm ''' self.wavelengths = wavelengths self.command = os.environ.get('MSTM_BIN', '~/bin/mstm.x') def set_spheres(self, spheres): self.spheres = spheres # count spheres with positive radius: self.paramDict['number_spheres'] = np.sum(self.spheres.a > 0)
[docs] def simulate(self, outfn=None): ''' Start the simulation. The inpuit parameters are read from object dictionary `paramDict`. Routine will prepare input file `scriptParams.inp` in the temporary folder, which will be deleted after calculation. After calculation the result depends on the polarization setting. For polarized light the object fields will be filled: extinction_par, extinction_ort, absorbtion_par, absorbtion_ort, scattering_par, scattering_ort. While for orientation-averaged calculation just: extinction, absorbtion and scattering. ''' if self.paramDict['number_spheres'] == 0: # np spheres return self.wavelengths, np.zeros_like(self.wavelengths) if self.spheres.check_overlap(): raise SpheresOverlapError('Spheres overlapping!') if isinstance(self.environment_material, Material): material = self.environment_material else: print(self.environment_material) material = Material(self.environment_material) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: print('Using temporary directory: %s' % tmpdir) outFID = open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'scriptParams.inp'), 'w') outFID.write('begin_comment\n') outFID.write('**********************************\n') outFID.write(' MSTM input for SPR calculation\n') outFID.write(' Generated by python script\n') outFID.write(' %s\n' %'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')) outFID.write('**********************************\n') outFID.write('end_comment\n') for key in self.paramDict.keys(): if key not in self.local_keys: outFID.write(key + '\n') if isinstance(self.paramDict[key], str): svalue = self.paramDict[key] else: if isinstance(self.paramDict[key], list): svalue = ' '.join(map(str, self.paramDict[key])) else: svalue = str(self.paramDict[key]) # replace exponent symbol svalue = svalue.replace('e', 'd', 1) outFID.write('%s \n' % svalue) for l in self.wavelengths: outFID.write('begin_comment\n') outFID.write('**********************************\n') outFID.write(' Wavelength %.3f \n' % l) outFID.write('**********************************\n') outFID.write('end_comment\n') outFID.write('output_file\n') outFID.write('mstm_l%.0f.out\n' % (l * 1000)) outFID.write('length_scale_factor\n') outFID.write(' %.6f\n' % (2.0 * 3.14159 / l)) outFID.write('medium_real_ref_index\n') outFID.write(' %f\n' % material.get_n(l)) outFID.write('medium_imag_ref_index\n') outFID.write(' %f\n' % material.get_k(l)) outFID.write('sphere_sizes_and_positions\n') for i in xrange(len(self.spheres)): a = self.spheres.a[i] if a > 0: # consider only positive radii x = self.spheres.x[i] y = self.spheres.y[i] z = self.spheres.z[i] self.spheres.materials[i].D = 2 * a n = self.spheres.materials[i].get_n(l) k = self.spheres.materials[i].get_k(l) outFID.write(' %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.3f %.3f \n' % (a, x, y, z, n, k)) outFID.write('new_run\n') outFID.write('end_of_options\n') outFID.close() # run the binary if sys.platform == 'win32': si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW'%s scriptParams.inp > NUL' % self.command, shell=True, startupinfo=si, cwd=tmpdir) else:'%s scriptParams.inp > /dev/null' % self.command, shell=True, cwd=tmpdir) # parse the simulation results if self.paramDict['fixed_or_random_orientation'] == 0: # fixed orientation self.extinction_par = [] # parallel polarization (\hat \alpha) self.absorbtion_par = [] self.scattering_par = [] self.extinction_ort = [] # perpendicular polarization (\hat \beta) self.absorbtion_ort = [] self.scattering_ort = [] for l in self.wavelengths: inFID = open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mstm_l%.0f.out' % (l * 1000)), 'r') while True: line = inFID.readline() if 'scattering matrix elements' in line: break elif 'parallel total ext, abs, scat efficiencies' in line: values = map(float, inFID.readline().strip().split()) values = list(values) self.extinction_par.append(float(values[0])) self.absorbtion_par.append(float(values[1])) self.scattering_par.append(float(values[2])) elif 'perpendicular total ext' in line: values = map(float, inFID.readline().strip().split()) values = list(values) self.extinction_ort.append(float(values[0])) self.absorbtion_ort.append(float(values[1])) self.scattering_ort.append(float(values[2])) inFID.close() os.remove(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mstm_l%.0f.out' % (l * 1000))) self.extinction_par = np.array(self.extinction_par) self.absorbtion_par = np.array(self.absorbtion_par) self.scattering_par = np.array(self.scattering_par) self.extinction_ort = np.array(self.extinction_ort) self.absorbtion_ort = np.array(self.absorbtion_ort) self.scattering_ort = np.array(self.scattering_ort) return (self.wavelengths, (self.extinction_par + self.extinction_ort)) else: # random orientation self.extinction = [] self.absorbtion = [] self.scattering = [] for lam in self.wavelengths: fnl = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mstm_l%.0f.out' % (lam * 1000)) with open(fnl, 'r') as fout: while True: line = fout.readline() if 'scattering matrix elements' in line: break elif 'total ext, abs, scat efficiencies' in line: values = map(float, fout.readline().strip().split()) values = list(values) # python3 is evil self.extinction.append(float(values[0])) self.absorbtion.append(float(values[1])) self.scattering.append(float(values[2])) os.remove(fnl) self.extinction = np.array(self.extinction) self.absorbtion = np.array(self.absorbtion) self.scattering = np.array(self.scattering) if outfn is not None: self.write(outfn) return self.wavelengths, self.extinction
[docs] def plot(self): ''' Plot results with matplotlib.pyplot ''' if self.paramDict["fixed_or_random_orientation"] == 1: # random plt.plot(self.wavelengths, self.extinction, 'r-', label='extinction') else: plt.plot(self.wavelengths, self.extinction_par, 'r-', label='extinction par.') plt.plot(self.wavelengths, self.extinction_ort, 'b-', label='extinction ort.') plt.legend() return plt
[docs] def write(self, filename): ''' Save results to file ''' if self.paramDict["fixed_or_random_orientation"] == 1: # random fout = open(filename, 'w') fout.write('#Wavel.\tExtinct.\n') for i in range(len(self.wavelengths)): fout.write('%.4f\t%.8f\r\n' % (self.wavelengths[i], self.extinction[i])) fout.close() else: # fixed fout = open(filename, 'w') fout.write('#Wavel.\tExt_par\tExt_ort\n') for i in range(len(self.wavelengths)): fout.write('%.4f\t%.8f\t%.8f\r\n' % (self.wavelengths[i], self.extinction_par[i], self.extinction_ort[i])) fout.close()
[docs] def set_incident_field(self, fixed=False, azimuth_angle=0.0, polar_angle=0.0, polarization_angle=0.0): ''' Set incident wave orientation and polarization Parameters: fixed: bool True - fixed orientation and polarized light False - average over all orientations and polarizations azimuth_angle, polar_angle: float (degrees) polarization_angle: float (degrees) !sensible only for near field calculation! polarization angle relative to the `k-z` palne. 0 - X-polarized, 90 - Y-polarized (if `azimuth` and `polar` angles are zero). ''' if not fixed: self.paramDict['fixed_or_random_orientation'] = 1 # random else: self.paramDict['fixed_or_random_orientation'] = 0 # fixed self.paramDict['incident_azimuth_angle_deg'] = azimuth_angle self.paramDict['incident_polar_angle_deg'] = polar_angle self.paramDict['polarization_angle_deg'] = polarization_angle
[docs]class Material(object): r""" Material class. Use `get_n()` and `get_k()` methods to obtain values of refraction index at arbitraty wavelength (in nm). """ def __init__(self, file_name, wls=None, nk=None, eps=None): r""" Parameters: file_name: 1. complex value, written in numpy format or as string; 2. one of the predefined strings (air, water, glass); 3. filename with optical constants. File header should state `lambda`, `n` and `k` columns If either `nk= n + 1j*k` or `eps = re + 1j*im` arrays are specified, then the data from one of them will be used and filename content will be ignored. wls: float array array of wavelengths (in nm) used for data interpolation. If None then ``np.linspace(300, 800, 500)`` will be used. """ if isinstance(file_name, str): self.__name__ = 'Mat_%s' % os.path.basename(file_name) else: self.__name__ = 'Mat_%.3f' % file_name if wls is None: wl_min = 200 # 149.9 wl_max = 1200 # 950.1 wls = np.array([wl_min, wl_max]) k = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) if nk is not None: n = np.real(nk) k = np.imag(nk) elif eps is not None: mod = np.absolute(eps) n = np.sqrt((mod + np.real(eps)) / 2) k = np.sqrt((mod - np.real(eps)) / 2) else: try: np.cdouble(file_name) is_complex = True except ValueError: is_complex = False if is_complex: nk = np.cdouble(file_name) n = np.array([np.real(nk), np.real(nk)]) k = np.array([np.imag(nk), np.imag(nk)]) else: if file_name.lower() == 'air': n = np.array([1.0, 1.0]) elif file_name.lower() == 'water': n = np.array([1.33, 1.33]) elif file_name.lower() == 'glass': n = np.array([1.66, 1.66]) else: optical_constants = np.genfromtxt(file_name, names=True) wls = optical_constants['lambda'] if np.max(wls) < 100: # wavelengths are in micrometers wls = wls * 1000 # convert to nm n = optical_constants['n'] k = optical_constants['k'] if wls[0] > wls[1]: # form bigger to smaller wls = np.flipud(wls) # reverse order n = np.flipud(n) k = np.flipud(k) n = n[wls > wl_min] k = k[wls > wl_min] wls = wls[wls > wl_min] n = n[wls < wl_max] k = k[wls < wl_max] wls = wls[wls < wl_max] wl_step = np.abs(wls[1] - wls[0]) if (wl_step > 1.1) and (wl_step < 500): interp_kind = 'cubic' # cubic interpolation else: # too dense or too sparse mesh, linear interpolation is needed interp_kind = 'linear' # print('Interpolation kind : %s'%interp_kind) self._get_n_interp = interpolate.interp1d(wls, n, kind=interp_kind) self._get_k_interp = interpolate.interp1d(wls, k, kind=interp_kind) def get_n(self, wl): return self._get_n_interp(wl) def get_k(self, wl): return self._get_k_interp(wl) def __str__(self): return self.__name__
[docs] def plot(self, wls=None, fig=None, axs=None): r""" plot ``n`` and ``k`` dependence from wavelength Parameters: wls: float array array of wavelengths (in nm). If None then ``np.linspace(300, 800, 500)`` will be used. fig: matplotlib figure axs: matplotlib axes Return: filled/created fig and axs objects """ if wls is None: wls = np.linspace(300, 800, 500) flag = fig is None if flag: fig = plt.figure() axs = fig.add_subplot(111) axs.plot(wls, self.get_n(wls), label='Real') axs.plot(wls, self.get_k(wls), label='Imag') axs.set_ylabel('Refraction index') axs.set_xlabel('Wavelength, nm') axs.legend() if flag: return fig, axs
# class MaterialManager(): # """ # Cache for materials, to decrease file i/o # """ # def __init__(self, wavelengths): # self.materials = {}
[docs]class Spheres(object): """ Abstract collection of spheres Object fields: N: int number of spheres x, y, z: numpy arrays coordinates of spheres centers a: list or arrray spheres radii materials: numpy array Material objects or strings """ def __init__(self): """ Creates empty collection of spheres. Use child classes for non-empty! """ self.N = 0 self.x = [] self.y = [] self.z = [] self.a = [] # radius self.materials = [] def __len__(self): return self.N
[docs] def check_overlap(self, eps=0.001): """ Check if spheres are overlapping """ result = False n = len(self.x) for i in xrange(n): for j in xrange(i + 1, n): dx = abs(self.x[j] - self.x[i]) dy = abs(self.y[j] - self.y[i]) dz = abs(self.z[j] - self.z[i]) Ri = self.a[i] Rj = self.a[j] dist = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) if dist < Ri + Rj + eps: # distance between spheres is less than sum of thier radii # but there still can be nested spheres, check it if Ri > Rj: result = Ri < dist + Rj + eps else: # Rj < Ri result = Rj < dist + Ri + eps if result: # avoid unneeded steps return True return result
[docs] def append(self, sphere): """ Append by data from SingleSphere object Parameter: sphere: SingleSphere """ self.a = np.append(self.a, sphere.a[0]) self.x = np.append(self.x, sphere.x[0]) self.y = np.append(self.y, sphere.y[0]) self.z = np.append(self.z, sphere.z[0]) self.materials.append(sphere.materials[0]) self.N += 1
[docs] def delete(self, i): """ Delete element with index `i` """ self.a = np.delete(self.a, i) self.x = np.delete(self.x, i) self.y = np.delete(self.y, i) self.z = np.delete(self.z, i) self.materials.pop(i) self.N -= 1
[docs] def extend(self, spheres): """ Append by all items from object `spheres` """ for i in xrange(len(spheres)): self.append(SingleSphere(spheres.x[i], spheres.y[i], spheres.z[i], spheres.a[i], spheres.materials[i]))
[docs] def get_center(self, method=''): """ calculate center of masses in assumption of uniform density Parameter: method: string {''|'mass'} If method == 'mass' then center of masses (strictly speaking, volumes) is calculated. Otherwise all spheres are averaged evenly. """ weights = np.ones(self.N) if method.lower() == 'mass': weights = self.a**3 Xc = np.sum(, weights)) / np.sum(weights) Yc = np.sum(, weights)) / np.sum(weights) Zc = np.sum(, weights)) / np.sum(weights) return np.array((Xc, Yc, Zc))
[docs] def load(self, filename, mat_filename='etaGold.txt', units='nm'): """ Reads spheres coordinates and radii from file. Parameters: filename: string file to be read from mat_filename: string all spheres will have this material (sphere-material storaging is not yet implemented) units: string {'mum'|'nm'} distance units. If 'mum' then coordinated will be scaled (x1000) """ x = [] y = [] z = [] a = [] try: f = open(filename, 'r') text = f.readlines() for line in text: if line[0] != '#': # skip comment and header words = [w.strip() for w in line.replace(',', '.').split()] data = [float(w) for w in words] a.append(data[0]) x.append(data[1]) y.append(data[2]) z.append(data[3]) f.close() except Exception as err: print('Load failed \n %s' % err) self.N = len(a) self.x = np.array(x) self.y = np.array(y) self.z = np.array(z) self.a = np.array(a) if units == 'mum': self.x = self.x * 1000.0 self.y = self.y * 1000.0 self.z = self.z * 1000.0 self.a = self.a * 1000.0 self._set_material(mat_filename)
[docs] def save(self, filename): """ Saves spheres coordinates and radii to file. Parameter: filename: string """ try: f = open(filename, 'w') f.write('#radius\tx\ty\tz\tn\tk\r\n') for i in xrange(self.N): wl = 555 a = self.a[i] x = self.x[i] y = self.y[i] z = self.z[i] n = self.materials[i].get_n(wl) k = self.materials[i].get_k(wl) f.write('%f\t\t%f\t\t%f\t\t%f\t\t%f\t\t%f\r\n' % (a, x, y, z, n, k)) except Exception as err: print('Save failed \n %s' % err) finally: f.close()
[docs]class SingleSphere(Spheres): """ Collection of spheres with only one sphere """ def __init__(self, x, y, z, a, mat_filename='etaGold.txt'): """ Parameters: x, y, z: float coordinates of spheres centers a: float spheres radii mat_filename: string, float, complex value or Material object material specification """ self.N = 1 self.x = np.array([x]) self.y = np.array([y]) self.z = np.array([z]) self.a = np.array([a]) if isinstance(mat_filename, Material): self.materials = [mat_filename] else: self.materials = [Material(mat_filename)]
[docs]class LogNormalSpheres(Spheres): """ The set of spheres positioned on the regular mesh with random Log-Normal distributed sizes. In the case overlapping of the spheres the sizes should(?) be regenerated. """ def __init__(self, N, mu, sigma, d, mat_filename='etaGold.txt'): """ Parameters: N: int number of spheres mu, sigma: floats parameters of Log-Normal distribution d: float average empty space between spheres centers mat_filename: string or Material object specification of spheres material """ # estimate the box size: a = mu # average sphere radius A = (N**(1. / 3) + 1) * (d + 2 * a) print('Box size estimated as: %.1f nm' % A) # A = A*1.5 Xc = [] Yc = [] Zc = [] x = -A / 2.0 while x < A / 2.0: y = -A / 2.0 while y < A / 2.0: z = -A / 2.0 while z < A / 2.0: if (x * x + y * y + z * z < A * A / 4.0): Xc.append(x) Yc.append(y) Zc.append(z) z = z + (2 * a + d) y = y + (2 * a + d) x = x + (2 * a + d) print('Desired number of particles: %i' % N) print('Number of particles in a box: %i' % len(Xc)) self.N = min([N, len(Xc)]) print('Resulted number of particles: %i' % self.N) self.x = np.array(Xc) self.y = np.array(Yc) self.z = np.array(Zc) random_a = lognormal(np.log(mu), sigma, self.N) # nm random_a = random_a self.a = np.array(random_a) if isinstance(mat_filename, Material): mat = mat_filename else: mat = Material(mat_filename) self.materials = [mat for i in xrange(self.N)]
[docs]class ExplicitSpheres (Spheres): def __init__(self, N=0, Xc=[], Yc=[], Zc=[], a=[], mat_filename='etaGold.txt'): """ Create explicitely defined spheres Parameters: N: int number of spheres Xc, Yc, Zc: lists or numpy arrays coordinates of the spheres centers a: list or numpy array radii of the spheres mat_filename: string, list of strings, Material or list of Materials specification of spheres material Note: If only first array Xc is supplied, than all data is assumed zipped in it, i.e.: `Xc = [X1, Y1, Z1, a1, ..., XN, YN, ZN, aN]` """ super(ExplicitSpheres, self).__init__() self.N = N if N == 0: # special case of empty object self.x = [] self.y = [] self.z = [] self.a = [] return if N < len(Xc): # data is zipped in Xc assert(4 * N == len(Xc)) self.x = np.zeros(N) self.y = np.zeros(N) self.z = np.zeros(N) self.a = np.zeros(N) i = 0 while i < len(Xc): self.x[i // 4] = Xc[i + 0] self.y[i // 4] = Xc[i + 1] self.z[i // 4] = Xc[i + 2] self.a[i // 4] = abs(Xc[i + 3]) i = i + 4 else: self.x = np.array(Xc) self.y = np.array(Yc) self.z = np.array(Zc) self.a = np.abs(np.array(a)) if isinstance(mat_filename, (Material, str)): # one material filename for all spheres self._set_material(mat_filename) elif isinstance(mat_filename, list): # list of material filenames for all spheres if len(mat_filename) == 1: self._set_material(mat_filename[0]) else: assert(len(mat_filename) == self.N) for mat_fn in mat_filename: # TODO: use material manager to avoid re-creating # and extra file reads if isinstance(mat_fn, Material): self.materials.append(mat_fn) else: self.materials.append(Material(mat_fn)) else: raise Exception('Bad material variable: %s' % str(mat_filename)) # if self.check_overlap(): # print('Warning: Spheres are overlapping!') def _set_material(self, mat_filename): if isinstance(mat_filename, Material): mat = mat_filename else: mat = Material(mat_filename) self.materials = [mat for i in xrange(self.N)]
if __name__ == '__main__': print('Overlap tests') spheres = Spheres() print(' Test not overlapped... ') spheres.x = [-5, 5] spheres.y = [0, 0] spheres.z = [0, 0] spheres.a = [4, 4] assert(not spheres.check_overlap()) print(' Test overlapped... ') spheres.a = [5, 5] assert(spheres.check_overlap()) print(' Test nested... ') spheres.x = [0, 0] spheres.a = [2, 5] assert(not spheres.check_overlap()) spheres.a = [5, 3] assert(not spheres.check_overlap()) # input('Press enter') print('Materials test') mat = Material(os.path.join('nk', 'etaGold.txt')) # mat.plot() mat1 = Material(os.path.join('nk', 'etaSilver.txt')) mat3 = Material('glass') mat5 = Material(1.5) mat6 = Material('2.0+0.5j') mat7 = Material('mat7', wls=np.linspace(300, 800, 100), nk=np.linspace(-10, 5, 100) + 1j * np.linspace(0, 10, 100)) mat8 = Material('mat7', wls=np.linspace(300, 800, 100), eps=np.linspace(-10, 5, 100) + 1j * np.linspace(0, 10, 100)) print('etaGold ', mat.get_n(800)) print('etaSilver ', mat1.get_n(800)) print('Glass (constant) ', mat3.get_n(800), mat3.get_k(800)) print('n=1.5 material ', mat5.get_n(550)) print('n=2.0+0.5j material ', mat6.get_n(550), mat6.get_k(550)) print('nk material ', mat7.get_n(550), mat7.get_k(550)) print('eps material ', mat8.get_n(550), mat8.get_k(550)) # input('Press enter') with Profiler() as p: wls = np.linspace(300, 800, 100) # create SPR object spr = SPR(wls) spr.environment_material = 'glass' # spr.set_spheres(SingleSphere(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 25.0, 'etaGold.txt')) spheres = ExplicitSpheres(2, [-20, 0, 0, 10, 10, 0, 0, 12], mat_filename=['nk/etaGold.txt', 'nk/etaSilver.txt']) # spheres = ExplicitSpheres(2, [0,0,0,20,0,0,0,21], # mat_filename='etaGold.txt') spr.set_spheres(spheres) spr.set_incident_field(fixed=True, azimuth_angle=90, polar_angle=90, polarization_angle=45) # spr.set_spheres(LogNormalSpheres(27, 0.020, 0.9, 0.050 )) # calculate! # spr.command = '' spr.simulate() spr.write('test.dat') spr.plot() input('Press enter')