Source code for mstm_studio.fit_spheres_optic

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#                                                     #
# This code is a part of T-matrix fitting project     #
# Contributors:                                       #
#  L. Avakyan <>                    #
#  A. Skidanenko <>               #
#                                                     #
  Fitting of particle aggreagate T-matrix spectrum
  to experimental SPR spectrum.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
from mstm_studio.mstm_spectrum import SPR, ExplicitSpheres, SpheresOverlapError
from mstm_studio.contributions import ConstantBackground
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
import scipy.optimize as so
from datetime import datetime
import threading

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# use input in both python2 and python3
   input = raw_input
except NameError:
# use xrange in both python2 and python3
except NameError:
    xrange = range

[docs]class Parameter(object): """ Class for parameter object used for storage of parameter's name, value and variation limits. Parameter naming conventions: `scale` - outer common multiplier `ext%i` - extra parameter, like background, peaks or Mie contributions `a%i` - sphere radius `x%i`, `y%i`, `z%i` - coordinates of sphere center where `%i` is a number (0, 1, 2, ...) """ def __init__(self, name, value=1, min=None, max=None, internal_loop=False): """ Parameters: name: string name of parameter used for constraints etc value: float initial value of parameter min, max: float bounds for parameter variation (optional) internal_loop : bool if `True` the parameter will be allowed to vary in internal (fast) loop, which does not require MSTM recalculation. Note: this flag will be removed in future. varied: bool if `True` -- will be changed during fit """ = name self.value = self.ini_value = value self.min = min self.max = max self.internal_loop = internal_loop self.varied = True # ... def __str__(self): return '%s : %f' % (, self.value)
[docs]class Constraint(object): """ Abstract constraint class. All other should inherit from it. """
[docs] def apply(self, params): """ Modify the params dict according to given constranint algorithm. Note: Abstract method! """ pass
[docs]class FixConstraint(Constraint): def __init__(self, prm, value=None): """ Fix value of parameter with name `prm` to `value`. Parameters: prm: string parameter name value: float if `None` than initial value will be used. """ self.prm = prm.lower() self.value = value
[docs] def apply(self, params): """ Apply fix constraint """ assert self.prm in params if self.value is not None: params[self.prm].value = self.value params[self.prm].varied = False
[docs]class EqualityConstraint(Constraint): def __init__(self, prm1, prm2): """ Fix two parameters with names `prm1` and `prm2` being equal """ self.prm1 = prm1.lower() self.prm2 = prm2.lower()
[docs] def apply(self, params): """ Apply equality constraint """ assert self.prm1 in params assert self.prm2 in params params[self.prm2].value = params[self.prm1].value params[self.prm2].varied = False
[docs]class ConcentricConstraint(Constraint): def __init__(self, i1, i2): """ Two spheres with common centers. `i1` and `i2` -- indexes of spheres """ self.constraints = [EqualityConstraint('x%02i'%i1, 'x%02i'%i2), EqualityConstraint('y%02i'%i1, 'y%02i'%i2), EqualityConstraint('z%02i'%i1, 'z%02i'%i2)]
[docs] def apply(self, params): """ Apply concentric constraint """ for c in self.constraints: c.apply(params)
[docs]class RatioConstraint(Constraint): def __init__(self, prm1, prm2, ratio=1): """ Maintain ratio of two variables, `prm1`/`prm2` = `ratio` """ self.prm1 = prm1.lower() self.prm2 = prm2.lower() self.set_ratio(ratio)
[docs] def apply(self, params): """ Apply Ratio constraint """ assert self.prm1 in params assert self.prm2 in params params[self.prm2].value = params[self.prm1].value / self.ratio params[self.prm2].varied = False
[docs] def set_ratio(self, ratio): """ Set ratio of :math:`prm1/prm2 = ratio`. """ assert np.abs(ratio) > 1e-10 self.ratio = ratio
[docs]class Fitter(threading.Thread): """ Class to perform fit of experimental Exctinction spectrum Field: tolerance: float stopping criterion, default is 1e-4 """ tolerance = 1e-4 # stopping criterion def __init__(self, exp_filename, wl_min=300, wl_max=800, wl_npoints=51, extra_contributions=None, plot_progress=False): """ Parameters: exp_filename: str name of file with experimental data wl_min, wl_max: float wavelength bounds for fitting (in nm). wl_npoints: int number of wavelengths where spectra will be calcualted and compared. extra_contributions: list of Contribution objects If `None`, then ConstantBackground will be used. Assuming that first element is a background. If you don't want any extra contribution, set to empty list `[]`. plot_progress: bool Show fitting progress using matplotlib. Should be turned off when run on parallel cluster without gui. """ super(Fitter, self).__init__() self._stop_event = threading.Event() # to be able to stop outside self.exp_filename = exp_filename data = np.loadtxt(self.exp_filename) # load data data = data[np.argsort(data[:,0]),:] # sort by 0th column if np.max(data[:,0]) < 10: # if values are really low print('WARNING: Data X column is probably in mum, automatilcally rescaling to nm.') data[:,0] = data[:,0] * 1000 self.wl_min = max(wl_min, data[ 0, 0]) self.wl_max = min(wl_max, data[-1, 0]) self.wl_npoints = wl_npoints print('Wavelength limits are setted to: %f < wl < %f'% (self.wl_min, self.wl_max)) self.wls, self.exp = self._rebin(self.wl_min, self.wl_max, self.wl_npoints, data[:,0], data[:,1]) self.params = {} # dictionaty of parameters objects self.spheres = None # object of Spheres self.constraints = [] # list of Constraint objects self.calc = np.zeros_like(self.wls) # calculated spectrum self.chisq = -1 # chi square (squared residual) # set scale as default self.set_scale() # add extra contributions self.extra_contributions = [] self.set_extra_contributions(extra_contributions) # set matrix material as default self.set_matrix() # plot, if specified self.plot_progress = plot_progress if self.plot_progress: plt.ion() self.fig = plt.figure() ax = self.fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(self.wls, self.exp, 'ro') self.line1, = ax.plot(self.wls, self.calc, 'b-') self.fig.canvas.draw() #~ self.lock = threading.Lock() # used to sync with main thread where plot # callback function supplied outside self._cbuser = None def _rebin(self, xmin, xmax, N, x, y): """ hidden method used to rebin data to uniform scale """ f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y) xnew = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, N) ynew = f(xnew) return xnew, ynew def _print_params(self): for key in sorted(self.params): print('params[ %s ] \t %s ' % (key, self.params[key]))
[docs] def set_matrix(self, material='AIR'): """ set refraction index of matrix material material : {'AIR'|'WATER'|'GLASS'} or float the name of material or refraction index value. """ self.MATRIX_MATERIAL = material
def set_scale(self, value=1): if 'scale' in self.params: self.params['scale'].value = value self.params['scale'].ini_value = value else: self.params['scale'] = Parameter('scale', value=value, internal_loop=True)
[docs] def set_extra_contributions(self, contributions, initial_values=None): """ Add extra contributions and initialize corresponding params. Parameters: contributions: list of Contribution objests initial_values: float array """ # remove old parameters i_tot = 0 for contribution in self.extra_contributions: if contribution is not None: n = contribution.number_of_params for _ in range(n): self.params.pop('ext%02i' % i_tot) i_tot += 1 if contributions is None: contributions = [ConstantBackground(self.wls, 'ConstBkg')] self.extra_contributions = contributions[:] # create new parameter objects n_tot = 0 i_tot = 0 for contribution in self.extra_contributions: n = contribution.number_of_params for _ in range(n): self.params['ext%02i' % i_tot] = Parameter('ext%02i' % i_tot, value=0.1, internal_loop=True) i_tot += 1 n_tot += n self.extra_contrib_params_count = n_tot if initial_values is not None: assert len(initial_values) == n_tot for i in range(n_tot): if initial_values[i] is not None: self.params['ext%02i' % i].value = initial_values[i] self.params['ext%02i' % i].ini_value = initial_values[i]
# print(self.params)
[docs] def set_spheres(self, spheres): """ Specify the spheres to be fit. Paramerer: spheres: list of mstm_spectrum.Sphere objects If `None` then MSTM will not be run. """ if self.spheres is not None: # remove parameters of old spheres for i in xrange(self.spheres.N): self.params.pop('a%02i' % i) self.params.pop('x%02i' % i) self.params.pop('y%02i' % i) self.params.pop('z%02i' % i) if spheres is not None: self.spheres = spheres for i in xrange(self.spheres.N): self.params['a%02i' % i] = Parameter('a%02i' % i, self.spheres.a[i]) self.params['x%02i' % i] = Parameter('x%02i' % i, self.spheres.x[i]) self.params['y%02i' % i] = Parameter('y%02i' % i, self.spheres.y[i]) self.params['z%02i' % i] = Parameter('z%02i' % i, self.spheres.z[i]) else: self.set_spheres(ExplicitSpheres()) # empty spheres object
def _update_spheres(self): """ Set spheres radii and positions to values from params dict """ assert self.spheres is not None for i in xrange(len(self.spheres)): self.spheres.a[i] = self.params['a%02i' % i].value self.spheres.x[i] = self.params['x%02i' % i].value self.spheres.y[i] = self.params['y%02i' % i].value self.spheres.z[i] = self.params['z%02i' % i].value def _update_params(self, values, internal=False): """ Put values from optimized to params internal : bool if True than internal variables will be updated (scale, bkg, ..) """ try: # if not iterable (single value in values) len(values) except: print('WARNING: values is not a list') values = [values] if internal: # internal (fast) loop parameters self.params['scale'].value = values[0] for i in range(self.extra_contrib_params_count): self.params['ext%02i' % i].value = values[i+1] # 0th is scale print('inner: ', (self.extra_contrib_params_count+1), values) else: # apply constraints, -- up to now works only for MSTM for c in self.constraints: # apply before c.apply(self.params) # update params i_tot = 0 for i in range(len(self.spheres)): for key in ('a%02i'%i,'x%02i'%i,'y%02i'%i,'z%02i'%i): if self.params[key].varied: self.params[key].value = values[i_tot] i_tot += 1 assert i_tot == len(values) for c in self.constraints: # and apply after c.apply(self.params) self.report_result(msg='[%s] Scale: %.3f Bkg: %.2f\n' % (str(, self.params['scale'].value, self.params['ext00'].value)) # may be verbous!
[docs] def add_constraint(self, cs): """ Adds constraints on the parameters. Usefull for the case of core-shell and layered structures. Parameter: cs: Contraint object or list of Contraint objects """ try: _ = iter(cs) except TypeError: cs = [cs] for c in cs: self.constraints.append(c)
def _get_spectrum(self): """ Calculate the spectrum of agglomerates using mstm_spectrum module. """ if self.stopped(): raise Exception('Fitting interrupted') #~ self._apply_constraints if len(self.spheres) > 0: spr = SPR(self.wls) spr.environment_material = self.MATRIX_MATERIAL self._update_spheres() spr.set_spheres(self.spheres) #~ self.lock.acquire() try: _, extinction = spr.simulate() self.result = np.array(extinction) except SpheresOverlapError as e: self.chisq = 666 # big evil value return np.zeros_like(self.wls) except Exception as e: print(e) # let User decide raise e #~ finally: #~ self.lock.release() else: # emty spheres list self.result = np.zeros_like(self.wls) # perform fast fit over internal variables (scale, bkg, ..) values_internal = [] values_internal.append(self.params['scale'].value) for i in range(self.extra_contrib_params_count): values_internal.append(self.params['ext%02i' % i].value) def _target_func_int(values): """ target function for internal fit (fast loop) """ self._update_params(values, internal=True) y_dat = self.exp assert self.params['scale'].value == values[0] y_fit = values[0] * self.result n_tot = 1 # scale is values[0] for contribution in self.extra_contributions: n = contribution.number_of_params y_fit += contribution.calculate(values[n_tot:n_tot+n]) n_tot += n self.chisq = np.sum((y_fit - y_dat)**2) #~ self.chisq = np.sum((y_fit - y_dat)**2 * (y_dat/np.max(y_dat)+0.001)) / np.sum((y_dat/np.max(y_dat)+0.001)) #~ self.chisq = np.sum( (y_fit - y_dat)**2 * y_dat**3 ) * 1E3 print(self.chisq) return self.chisq #~ print('/ Internal fit loop /') result_int = so.minimize(fun=_target_func_int, x0=values_internal, method='BFGS', tol=self.tolerance, options={'maxiter':100, 'disp':False}) values_internal = result_int.x self._update_params(values_internal, internal=True) self.calc = self.params['scale'].value * self.result n_tot = 1 # 0th is scale for contribution in self.extra_contributions: n = contribution.number_of_params self.calc += contribution.calculate(values_internal[n_tot:n_tot+n]) n_tot += n return self.calc
[docs] def get_extra_contributions(self): ''' Return a list of current extra contributions to the spectrum ''' result = [] values_internal = [] values_internal.append(self.params['scale'].value) for i in range(self.extra_contrib_params_count): values_internal.append(self.params['ext%02i' % i].value) n_tot = 1 # scale is values[0] for contribution in self.extra_contributions: n = contribution.number_of_params result.append(contribution.calculate(values_internal[n_tot:n_tot+n])) n_tot += n return result
def _target_func(self, values): """ main target function """ self._update_params(values) y_dat = self.exp y_fit = self._get_spectrum() self.chisq = np.sum((y_fit - y_dat)**2) #~ self.chisq = np.sum((y_fit - y_dat)**2 * (y_dat/np.max(y_dat)+0.001)) / np.sum((y_dat/np.max(y_dat)+0.001)) #~ self.chisq = np.sum( (y_fit - y_dat)**2 * (y_dat + np.max(y_dat*0.001))**3) #~ self.chisq = np.sum((y_fit - y_dat)**2 * y_dat**3) * 1E3 #print(chisq) return self.chisq
[docs] def set_callback(self, func): """ Set callback function which will be called on each step of outer optimization loop. Parameter: func: function(values) where values -- list of values passed from optimization routine """ self._cbuser = func
def _cbplot(self, values): """ callback function """ #~ self.lock.acquire() # will wait here #~ try: #print('Scale: %0.3f Bkg: %0.3f ChiSq: %.8f'% (self.params['scale'].value, # self.params['bkg0'].value, self.chisq) ) if self._cbuser is not None: # call user-supplied function self._cbuser(self, values) if self.plot_progress: self.line1.set_ydata(self.calc) self.fig.canvas.draw() #~ plt.pause(0.05) # this lead of grabbing of the focus by the plot window self.fig.canvas.start_event_loop(0.05) #from: # #~ backend = plt.rcParams['backend'] #~ import matplotlib #~ if backend in matplotlib.rcsetup.interactive_bk: #~ figManager = matplotlib._pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_active() #~ if figManager is not None: #~ canvas = figManager.canvas #~ if canvas.figure.stale: #~ canvas.draw() #~ canvas.start_event_loop(0.05) #~ finally: #~ self.lock.release() #~ input('pe') def _apply_constraints(self): for c in self.constraints: c.apply(self.params)
[docs] def run(self, maxsteps=400): """ Start fitting. Parameters: maxsteps: int limits number of steps performed """ self._apply_constraints() # pack parameters to values values = [] for i in range(len(self.spheres)): for key in ('a%02i'%i,'x%02i'%i,'y%02i'%i,'z%02i'%i): if self.params[key].varied: values.append(self.params[key].value) # run optimizer result = so.minimize(fun=self._target_func, x0=values, method='Powell', tol=self.tolerance, options={'maxiter':maxsteps, 'disp':True}, callback=self._cbplot) self._update_params(result.x)
def stop(self): # self._stop_event.set() def stopped(self): return self._stop_event.is_set()
[docs] def report_freedom(self): """ Returns string with short summary before fitting """ self._apply_constraints() N = len(self.spheres) s = 'Number of spheres:\t%i\n' % N n_tot = 0 for contribution in self.extra_contributions: n = contribution.number_of_params s += 'Extra contrib. %s with %i params\n' % (, n) n_tot += n s += 'Total number of extra params:\t%i\n' % n_tot n_fast = n_slow = n_fix = 0 for key in self.params: if self.params[key].varied: if self.params[key].internal_loop: n_fast += 1 else: n_slow += 1 else: # not varied n_fix += 1 assert n_fast + n_slow + n_fix == 1 + 4*N + n_tot s += 'Degrees of freedom\n' s += '\tfast loop:\t%i\n' % n_fast s += '\tslow loop:\t%i\n' % n_slow print(s) return s
[docs] def report_result(self, msg=None): """ Returns string with short summary of fitting results """ s = 'ChiSq:\t%f\n' % self.chisq if msg is None: s += 'Optimal parameters' else: s += msg for key in sorted(self.params): s += '\n\t%s:\t%f\t(Varied:%s)' % (key, self.params[key].value, str(self.params[key].varied)) print(s) return s
if __name__ == '__main__': fitter = Fitter('../example/experiment.dat') # test Mie fit from mstm_studio.contributions import LinearBackground, MieSingleSphere, MieLognormSpheresCached from mstm_studio.alloy_AuAg import AlloyAuAg fitter.set_extra_contributions([LinearBackground(fitter.wls, 'lin bkg'), MieLognormSpheresCached(fitter.wls, 'LN Mie')], [0.02, -0.001, 0.1, 1.5, 0.5]) #~ MieSingleSphere(fitter.wls, 'Mie')], #~ [0.02, -0.001, #~ 0.1, 10]) fitter.extra_contributions[1].set_material(AlloyAuAg(1.), 1.66) fitter.extra_contributions[1].plot([0.1, 1.5, 0.5]) fitter.extra_contributions[1].plot_distrib([0.1, 1.5, 0.5]) #~ fitter.extra_contributions[1].plot([0.1, 10]) fitter.set_spheres(None) # no spheres, no mstm runs fitter.report_freedom() input('Press enter to run peak fitting') fitter.report_result() contribs = fitter.get_extra_contributions() print(contribs) input('Press enter to continue') # test peak fit from contributions import LinearBackground, LorentzPeak fitter.set_extra_contributions([LinearBackground(fitter.wls, 'lin bkg'), LorentzPeak(fitter.wls, 'lorentz peak')], [0.02, -0.001, 100, 550, 50]) # fitter.extra_contributions[1].plot([100, 550, 50]) fitter.set_spheres(None) # no spheres, no mstm runs fitter.report_freedom() input('Press enter to run peak fitting') fitter.report_result() input('Press enter to continue') # test MSTM fit fitter.set_matrix('glass') fitter.set_extra_contributions([LinearBackground(fitter.wls, 'lin bkg')], [0.02, -0.001]) # N X Y Z radius materials spheres = ExplicitSpheres(2, [-1,1], [-2,2], [-3,3], [14,20], [AlloyAuAg(1.), AlloyAuAg(0.)]) fitter.set_spheres(spheres) fitter.add_constraint(ConcentricConstraint(0, 1)) fitter.add_constraint(FixConstraint('x00', 0)) fitter.add_constraint(FixConstraint('y00', 0)) fitter.add_constraint(FixConstraint('z00', 0)) fitter.add_constraint(RatioConstraint('a00', 'a01', spheres.a[0]/spheres.a[1])) fitter.report_freedom() input('Press enter to run MSTM fitting') #~ fitter.start() # thread method #~ fitter.join() # wait till end fitter.report_result() #fitter.plot_result() #~ y_fit = _get_spectrum( wavelengths, values ) #~ plt.plot( wavelengths, exp, wavelengths, y_fit ) #~ #plt.axis([0, 1, 1.1*np.amin(s), 2*np.amax(s)]) #~ plt.xlabel('Wavelength, nm') #~ plt.ylabel('Exctinction, a.u.') #~ input('Press enter to finish') print('It is over.')