Installation ============ Source code ----------- Source code of Python wrapper is available on GitHub . Stable version published on PyPi . The source code of MSTM is not included and should be obtained from . MSTM studio can be run without MSTM binary, but with restricted functionality. For non-spherical particles (currently available only spheroids) the ScatterPy library is used (See :ref:`binding-scatterpy`). Linux installation ------------------ Install from PyPi: ``pip install mstm_studio`` On systems without root access: ``pip install mstm_studio --user`` Running GUI with ``python -m mstm_studio`` May be required to explicitely specify python version, i.e. use ``pip3`` and ``python3`` in above commands. Binding with MSTM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MSTM-studio will search for ``mstm.x`` binary in ``~/bin`` directory. This can be altered by setting of `MSTM_BIN` environment variable, i.e. in bash: ``export $MSTM_BIN=~/my_compiled_mstm/mstm_v3.bin`` .. Note:: MSTM can be compiled with gfortran as:: gfortran mpidefs-serial.f90 mstm-intrinsics-v3.0.f90 mstm-modules-v3.0.f90 mstm-main-v3.0.f90 -O2 -o mstm.x This is serial compilation, for parallel the file ``mpidefs-serial.f90`` should be replaced. Consult the MSTM website for details. Windows installation -------------------- The tested way is using Anaconda Python distribution . 1. Open "Anaconda Prompt". The new terminal window should pop up. 2. Type in ``pip install mstm_studio``. This may take a while since the dependent code will be downloaded and installed. 3. Check GUI by typing ``python -m mstm_studio`` in Anaconda Prompt or check python scripting by typing ``import mstm_studio`` in python console. Binding with MSTM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4. Obtain the MSTM binary. Put it to some folder. 5. Setup environmental variable ``MSTM_BIN`` to point on the binary. The shell comannd ``SETX MSTM_BIN="path_to_your_mstm_bin"`` will do the temporary setup, which is useful for making ``*.cmd`` scripts. Permanent setup of environemnt variable should be done with graphical interface, see for example, . .. Note:: If you write \*.cmd script to run gui, don't forget to update ``PATH`` variable to point on the Python distribution. The easist way is to type ``echo %PATH%`` in Anaconda Promt, and use the output in your script. Example of GUI running script is: .. code-block:: cmd @ECHO OFF PATH=C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3;C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Library\mingw-w64\bin;C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Library\usr\bin;C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Library\bin;C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts;C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\bin;C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\condabin;%PATH% set MSTM_BIN="C:\Users\L\Desktop\mstm_studio old\mstm-spectrum\mstm.exe" python.exe -m mstm_studio PAUSE The last command (``PAUSE``) is put to prevent console windows from closing after program is ended. .. _binding-scatterpy: Binding with ScatterPy ---------------------- For calculation of extinction spectra of isolated non-sphericla particle ScatterPy can be used. This library is available on github and PiPy repository. Installation from PyPi: ``pip install scatterpy`` or ``pip install scatterpy --user`` ScatterPy without Numba ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ScatterPy requires Numba library for speeding up the calculation. However, it is possible to install without Numba: 1. Download scatterpy source code 2. Edit file ``scatterpy/``. Remove line: .. code-block:: python import numba as nb and add lines: .. code-block:: python try: import numba as nb except ImportError: print('WARNING: Numba support is disabled in ScatterPy') 3. Build and install: ``python install`` (Needed setuptools and may be other dev packages)