.. _gui_materials: Materials --------- .. image:: interface_material.png Material can be added from the predefined list: .. image:: gui_add_mat_1.png Also the complex number can be typed in here. The option `AlloyAuAg` correspond to analytical parametrixation for silver-gold alloys [Rioux2014]_ and requires the specification of Au ratio (:math:`0 \le x \le 1`). Next button will add material from file with refractive index data stored in column format, i.e.:: lambda n k 0.100 2.8883 1.3062 0.101 2.8735 1.2439 0.101 2.8564 1.1856 ... First column -- wavelength in `nm` or `mum`, second and third -- real and imaginary parts of refractive index. .. The confirmation dialog appear if there is one or more defined materials: The refractive index data can be plotted to check sanity: .. image:: gui_mater_plot.png Cross button deletes the selected material.